< A E London Journal


Winter sunsets from our friends dock-Both Jim and I are addicted to sunsets!
Winter sunsets from our friends dock-Both Jim and I are addicted to sunsets!
Each evening we walk down the street to a friend's dock to recharge and let our dogs run.
Winter sunsets from our friends dock-Both Jim and I are addicted to sunsets!
Each evening we walk down the street to a friend's dock to recharge and let our dogs run.

Wed, Feb 8th, 2017

For me this Christmas was a time for Recuperation

Unfortunately ,I was rear ended in an auto accident last June and have been suffering the after effects for several months. Without going into the gory details, I had to have neck surgery in early .... continue >

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This leopard was one of the high points of our Safari!
This leopard was one of the high points of our Safari!
I guess if you spend enough time in the Bush, sooner or later you will be in the right place at the right time for the perfect photograph. This was one of those moments!
This leopard was one of the high points of our Safari!
I guess if you spend enough time in the Bush, sooner or later you will be in the right place at the right time for the perfect photograph. This was one of those moments!

Tue, Nov 1st, 2016


Our annual African safaris are always a great adventure. Just like the early African explorers, we never know what wildlife dramas will unfold before us. Of course, part of our adventure is sharing Africa .... continue >

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Meeting with Botswana's top officials was pretty nerve-racking.
Meeting with Botswana's top officials was pretty nerve-racking.
Luckily,I decided to just read the letter that Jim and I wrote explaining the significance of the presentation. They posted that letter on their Facebook page which you can go to up above.
Meeting with Botswana's top officials was pretty nerve-racking.
Luckily,I decided to just read the letter that Jim and I wrote explaining the significance of the presentation. They posted that letter on their Facebook page which you can go to up above.

Fri, Oct 21st, 2016

Presenting my artwork to the President of Botswana

For many years I have applauded the conservation efforts of the country of Botswana. President Khama followed in his father's footsteps( His father was the first president of Botswana after independence and was .... continue >

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These Sumatran Rhinos have almost disappeared from our planet
These Sumatran Rhinos have almost disappeared from our planet
These Sumatran Rhinos have almost disappeared from our planet

Thu, Sep 29th, 2016

Houston Zoo Benefit Auction

"And It Was Good" is a 36" x 72" original piece created and donated by A E London and funded by the Regenstein Foundation for the Houston Zoo Benefit Auction to be held October 20th.I .... continue >

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The majesty of these animals is incredible
The majesty of these animals is incredible
The majesty of these animals is incredible

Fri, Aug 26th, 2016


In August, Jim and I checked off an important box on our bucket list- swimming with humpback whales on the island of Tonga in the South Pacific. I have always been mesmerized by the .... continue >

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The high point of our summer was opening our new wildlife center in Victoria Falls
The high point of our summer was opening our new wildlife center in Victoria Falls
The high point of our summer was opening our new wildlife center in Victoria Falls

Tue, Jun 7th, 2016


This has been an exciting, but busy summer with lots of art shows,wildlife events, interesting people and places like Tonga to read about,so we will work to catch you up through this journal over .... continue >

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Save The Lions Gala at the Houston Zoo
Save The Lions Gala at the Houston Zoo
I worked with women lion researchers from across Africa and Asia to raise over $900,000 for lion conservation programs.
Save The Lions Gala at the Houston Zoo
I worked with women lion researchers from across Africa and Asia to raise over $900,000 for lion conservation programs.

Mon, Oct 19th, 2015

Raising Funds Through Art

In October 2015, I joined forces with Amy Dickman to host an invitation-only art show in Houston, Texas. Amy has garnered global recognition for her work in Tanzania to protect carnivore populations. Her program works .... continue >

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The Grand Tetons are our favorite for hiking!
The Grand Tetons are our favorite for hiking!
The Grand Tetons are our favorite for hiking!

Tue, Aug 18th, 2015

U.S. Western Art Tour

Shortly after returning from Africa, Jim and I began our Western art show schedule. We had a very successful tour and hit record sales in Denver, Seattle and Sun Valley, Idaho. Of course, one of .... continue >

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Another fun and successful African safari
Another fun and successful African safari
This year we decided to travel in May (Africa's fall) instead of spring. Lots more water everywhere and everything was green.
Another fun and successful African safari
This year we decided to travel in May (Africa's fall) instead of spring. Lots more water everywhere and everything was green.

Fri, Jun 12th, 2015

African Expedition 2015

Jim and I had not been to Africa in the months of May or June for several years, so we decided to see Victoria Falls in high water and experience the wet season, rather than .... continue >

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"Frozen for a beautiful moment"By Anne London
It gives me chills to remember this moment.....
"Frozen for a beautiful moment"By Anne London
It gives me chills to remember this moment.....

Mon, Apr 6th, 2015

Easter: An American Panther story

I surprised Jim this morning with a secret project I’d been working on. This is his Facebook entry from today:

“This morning I got up to a wonderful surprise Easter present from Anne. The panther I .... continue >

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 Coconut Grove show-we sold our art to folks from all over the planet!
Coconut Grove show-we sold our art to folks from all over the planet!
Our 1st show of the year, 200,000 attendees, and beautiful warm weather- no wonder it's one of our favorites. Winning third-place was great since it assures us a place next year. With over 2500 artists competing for only 300 places- that's important!!
Coconut Grove show-we sold our art to folks from all over the planet!
Our 1st show of the year, 200,000 attendees, and beautiful warm weather- no wonder it's one of our favorites. Winning third-place was great since it assures us a place next year. With over 2500 artists competing for only 300 places- that's important!!

Thu, Feb 26th, 2015

Warm, Finally! Coconut Grove and Naples shows

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  I was honored to be a guest with Dr. Greg Rasmussen to benefit African wild dog research.
I was honored to be a guest with Dr. Greg Rasmussen to benefit African wild dog research.
Jim and I were invited to a wonderful dinner to benefit African wild dogs in Houston, Texas. Dr. Greg Rasmussen is quite a character and one of the most well-known advocates and researchers of the painted dogs.
I was honored to be a guest with Dr. Greg Rasmussen to benefit African wild dog research.
Jim and I were invited to a wonderful dinner to benefit African wild dogs in Houston, Texas. Dr. Greg Rasmussen is quite a character and one of the most well-known advocates and researchers of the painted dogs.

Thu, Feb 5th, 2015

Houston Painted Dog Benefit

Jim and I were invited to a wonderful dinner to benefit African wild dogs in Houston, Texas. Dr. Greg Rasmussen is quite a character and one of the most well-known advocates and researchers of the .... continue >

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Africa 2014
Africa 2014
Our Ssafari this year was exceptional! We shared an incredible adventure with a great group of friends. Our Arts for Animals program grew, and everyone came home safe.
Africa 2014
Our Ssafari this year was exceptional! We shared an incredible adventure with a great group of friends. Our Arts for Animals program grew, and everyone came home safe.

Sun, Oct 26th, 2014

2014 African Adventure

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Marching through the French Quarter
Marching through the French Quarter
This past weekend we participated in our first protest march. You'd think going to college in the 70's we would have protested something-the Vietnam war or ,at last burned a bra. But no this was our first one -to ptotest the killing of african wildlife.
Marching through the French Quarter
This past weekend we participated in our first protest march. You'd think going to college in the 70's we would have protested something-the Vietnam war or ,at last burned a bra. But no this was our first one -to ptotest the killing of african wildlife.

Wed, Oct 8th, 2014

Our first protest demonstration

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Boston Mills Art Show Award
Boston Mills Art Show Award
We had a great show and I won an award for this piece.Not my usual subject,but still a favorite.
Boston Mills Art Show Award
We had a great show and I won an award for this piece.Not my usual subject,but still a favorite.

Wed, Jul 16th, 2014

Our July Midwest Tour

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Jim's DIVEHEART adventure
Jim's DIVEHEART adventure
Shortly after geting home from our Chicago "Olde Town Art Show" , Jim left for Key Largo to volunteer his Divemaster skills with DIVEHEART. I'll let him explain his photographs.
Jim's DIVEHEART adventure
Shortly after geting home from our Chicago "Olde Town Art Show" , Jim left for Key Largo to volunteer his Divemaster skills with DIVEHEART. I'll let him explain his photographs.

Mon, Jun 30th, 2014

Our friends at DIVEHEART

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Johnathon -the dominant Male at the Zoo
Johnathon -the dominant Male at the Zoo
What a beautiful Lion!
Johnathon -the dominant Male at the Zoo
What a beautiful Lion!

Fri, Apr 18th, 2014

Our Texas Shows were great fun!

Our usual Texas spring shows were fun! We saw many of our old friends and made some new ones. We were invited by one of our old friends to get a "behind the scenes" tour .... continue >

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Wed, Mar 19th, 2014

Our ART FOR ANIMALS Program takes wing

Our ART FOR ANIMALS program to connect art and conservation is taking off in many directions. Here is an article that appeared on the renown "Artists For Conservation"website. One of our goals is to encourage .... continue >

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 The Boca Raton Show was wonderful
The Boca Raton Show was wonderful
Beautiful weather and The folks loved my work!
The Boca Raton Show was wonderful
Beautiful weather and The folks loved my work!

Tue, Feb 18th, 2014


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My Art Exhibition in Miami
My Art Exhibition in Miami
It's a Zoo Out there!
My Art Exhibition in Miami
It's a Zoo Out there!

Sat, Jan 25th, 2014

It's a ZOO out there!

I was honored to be invited to co-host an exclusive exhibition of my work at the Miami Metro Zoo. It's an opportunity to show my art work and present my ART FOR ANIMALS project to .... continue >

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