A.E. London Studio, Endangered Species Fine Art
Anne E. London is an internationally recognized American artist whose work combines two of her passions: visual art and the conservation and celebration of endangered species. From her earlier Intaglio engravings, to her latest work with impressionistic charcoal and watercolor, Anne brings to life breathtaking portraits of wildlife in their natural habitats.
She regularly travels to Africa and other wild locations across the planet to witness and study endangered species firsthand, record the face of nature through her "Portraits of the Wild," and bring her Arts For Animals programs to local children. Her digital studio holds a collection of her works, photos from the field, and journal entries from her adventures across the planet.
Read More >Anne's artistic journey began over 40 years ago in Los Angeles, during her early film industry career. She worked with actress Tippi Hedren, who founded the Shambala Preserve -- a refuge in California for big cats, elephants, and many other endangered species. It was there Anne first realized she could meld her artwork with her love for animals.
Since then, she has won numerous critical national and international awards. As a Signature Artist Member of the Society of Animal Artists, she is recognized as having attained the highest level of artistic achievment in the field of animal art. In 2005, she won the society's prestigious "Award of Excellence" for her piece, "Kitabu."
Anne is also an active, participating member of Artists for Conservation, an organization spanning 5 continents and 30 countries, that celebrates artistic excellence in the depiction of nature and directly supports individuals and organizations committed to nature and animal conservation worldwide. In 2013, she was nominated for the prestigious Simon Combs Conservation award for her work in educating African children through her non-profit, ARTS FOR ANIMALS. In 2019, she won that award for her lifetime achievments in wildlife conservation.
In 2017,in addition to other awards, her work was again chosen to exhibit in the ARTISTS FOR CONSERVATION's annual "International Exhibit of Nature in Art" and her artwork, "Got Your Back" for their annual calendar. Each year since then her work has been featured in their Annual Exhibition and Art book.
In 2018 , Anne's work was chosen for the "Logo" for "the Explorers Against Extinction "Sketch for Survival" International Exhibition and Auction. And each year since then ,her work has been chosen for their International Exhibition in London and New York., she was a featured artist in the Sketch for Survival International Exhibition in London and New York. In 2017, her work was featured in an exhibition at the Louvre in Paris as well as in galleries in Finland,Great Britian, Tokyo.and Brazil.
Anne appears frequently in global media, both as an artist and a champion of animal rights. She remains passionate about sharing the beauty and majesty of our planet's wildlife with other animal enthusiasts she meets on her travels, and her role in protecting Earth's endangered species is one she holds sacred.
She returns to Africa each year with small groups of fellow conservationists and friends to gather new ideas, work with Arts for Animals Conservation programs and immerse herself "in the wild." With her husband, Jim Hart, she travels the planet learning about and drawing wildlife. From the lowland swamps of Borneo researching the incredible orangutans, to the clear waters off Tonga to study whale birthing, Anne dives deep into the habitats, behavior, and threats to the species she draws.
Beyond studying wildlife, Anne and Jim-with a desire to involve themselves personally in the fight to preserve endangered wildlife- began working with local schools in remote African communities to introduce children to art and wildlife stewardship. In 2012, they founded "Arts for Animals," using personally designed, innovative programs for young African students that link creativity with conservation. Today, "Arts for Animals" is a USA based non-profit which has reached over 20,000 children worldwide by teaching them to draw endangered and threatened animals -while stressing the importance of preserving their wildlife and wild habitats.
Only two years later, through hard work and collector support, Anne and Jim built a new regional Wildlife Conservation Center in Zimbabwe. It reaches hundreds of children each year with its goal of increasing awareness of the importance of their wildlife to their future. The center has been recognized by the Zimbabwe government as a model for future government built centers across the country. Since it's humble beginnings, Arts For Animals programs have developed conservation education partnerships in Botswana,Zimbabwe, South Africa, Zambia and Tonga and grown to influence thousands of children each year. For more information, visit www.artsforanimals.com
Today, Anne's studio is located on the shores of Lake Pontchatrain in Mandeville, Louisiana, near New Orleans. Her art continues to evolve as Anne adopts new materials and techniques. She continues to feature her work in galleries, shows, and exhibitions across the United States and around the world. Over the last fortyfive years, Anne's art has helped raise well over a million dollars for wildlife conservation organizations and programs across the globe. With support from her collectors and wildlife lovers worldwide, she continues her life's focus of making a difference in the survival of our planet's wildlife.
We hope you enjoy your safari through this website and can immerse yourself in the "wilds" of Anne's imagination and art. We treasure contact and feedback from our friends and supporters. Please don't hesitate to call Anne at 330-204-4578 if you have any questions ,comments,or ideas about her art or conservation work.