You can change the life of a young African student!

Besides helping students at local schools,  Bush camps and villages in Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Botswana,  ARTS FOR ANIMALS offer scholarships to promising young students who are interested in becoming professional artists or jobs in conservation and park administration.   We enable our supporters to join up with a young African man or woman and change their life by helping to support their education and move them toward their lifetime goals.

Descent Chimupeni

Descent, 23, has great artistic talent but a challenging future. Dissent was one of our first  ARTS FOR ANIMALS scholarship recipients at 16.

This Wildlife Protector lived with his grandparents and five other children after his parents died when he was two. He walked several miles to school each day and has always loved to draw animals. He is an incredible natural talent.

 After briefly dropping out of school due to the lack of funding, Descent  returned to school and began  practicing every day to become a better artist. Our support and encouragement is what will keep him on the path to success.  Each time we visit the wildlife Center's Descent's artistic skill gets better and better.

 Descent had amazing talents for an untrained child. But unfortunately did not have the parental support and  educational background to go on to college. Thanks to ARTS FOR ANIMALS scholarships he was able to complete his high school education. With the help and guidance of  ARTS FOR ANIMALS programs and  help from Tich Ncubez, our ARTS FOR ANIMALS wildlife Center director, and an experienced mentor, Descent  Is hoping to reach reach his full potential as an artist.  In 2021 thanks to and ARTS FOR ANIMALS scholarship, he entered guide school where he hopes to  learn more about wildlife and be able to help the African wildlife he loves.

 With sponsorship from ARTS FOR ANIMALS, in July 2021, Descent's  artwork was chosen for the explorers against extinction, sketch for survival exhibition and auction in London England. Beating out thousands of other artists from around the world, his depiction of an endangered wild dog was displayed at the world-famous OXO  Gallery in London. The piece  raised $600 for sketch for survival which will be benefiting conservation projects all over the world. He was incredibly motivated and  proud to see his work helping to save the Earth's wildlife.

Today, Descent is mentoring other young artists at the local high school  and supporting other students with artistic skills by assisting at the wildlife Center while attending guide school.

Descent has amazing talents for an untrained child.

Descent has amazing talents for an untrained child.
Anne monitors Descent's progress as an artist and as a mentor to other children

Anne monitors Descent's progress as an artist and as a mentor to other children
Methuli Tsdhuma with his mentor and headmaster,Mthenjwa Moyo

Methuli Tsdhuma with his mentor and headmaster,Mthenjwa Moyo

Methuli Tsdhuma

Methuli grew up on a farm near the border of Hwnge park and close to where Cecil was killed. He excelled in NGamo school and went on to study Nature Conservation. His goal is to become a park ranger and credits his success to having caring mentors .Today ,Methuli , thanks to ARTS FOR ANIMALS scholarships and a new laptop computer, is completing his apprenticeship and studies  to become a full-fledged park ranger.

"Pride" and "Blessing"

Both Pride and Blessing are two of our first scholarship recipients both are talented artists who want to become wildlife biologists in one's scholarships in 2016 from ARTS FOR ANIMALS.. Blessing was our first female scholarship recipient  and thanks to ARTS FOR ANIMALS she was able to complete her high school education. today because of COVID, she is waiting to enter a local college to study wildlife management.

Pride completed his high school education at the top of this class and is waiting to get into one of the Ranger programs in Harare. COVID has closed most of the Ranger schools and students are having to wait for their internships and classes to  began again.